Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cydia download for iOS 9 - iOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2 - iOS 9.3.2

We have great news for you as you are closer for a new jailbreak tool. Because, as the second semi iOS version of iOS 9.3, the iOS 9.3.2 download has been out. If your iDevice is a compatible one for iOS 9 season, you have the ability to download it on your device. Those who were anxious for a new Cydia download, this will be a great opportunity. We hope the release will eager the jailbreak community to hurry and fulfill the tool of all these versions.

About iOS 9 jailbreak for the entire season

The only tool that closer you a Cydia installer for iOS 9 season is Pangu. But this Pangu download too can only use for iOS 9.1 and lower versions. Therefore, all users who were hurry to install releases after iOS 9.2 seems worry being for a long period without a tool. As the downgrade function has closed from all these versions from beginning, their only solution is to upgrade the device with new iOS releases. 

So it is good if you decide to stay on your usual old jailbroken version until the next will out officially. 

The recent Cydia downloader 

  • The too that can download through is Pangu jailbreak
  • Jailbreak tool adaptable iOS versions are iOS 9 – iOS 9.1
  • Adaptable iDevices are all from iPhone 5s with 64 bit processors
  • Cydia installer version is 1.1.26
Future release for iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.2

This is the jailbreak tool that users currently awaiting for. Although some of the jailbreak community showed their effort and the in progressing researches, yet any tool is not out. If you are new for jailbreaking, don’t follow some direction for Cydia download without jailbreak or jailbreak without a PC and so on misguided suggestions as true direction is there is not a tool like that and even not any reliable one for any above versions. So, we must remind you even sadly that you cannot download Cydia yet. 

The planned release date of the upcoming tool

The usual way of the jailbreak community is not confirm a release date and just out a tool after their test on varies compatible device soon. Therefore, this too cannot say that the confirmed date is this to be out. But as some of teams clue us, about the tool, they have the path but not yet ready to public it. And may be next tool will skip the two versions of iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 and will break iOS 9.3 and upper. It is because the security details of those two versions are already out which must kept till the jailbreak release.